2015 Average Limnological Data
Chlorophyll-a (ug/L), proportional to algal biomass
Secchi Disk Depth (m), proportional to water clarity (inversely proportional to algal biomass and suspended sediments)
Total Suspended Solids (TSS, in mg/L), proportional to water turbidity (algal biomass and suspended sediments)
Nitrates (mg/L, N) - potentially a limiting nutrient in the Finger Lakes
Soluble Reactive Phosphates (ug/L, P) - typically the limiting nutrient in the Finger Lakes
Soluble Reactive Silica (ug/L, Si) - limits growth of diatoms, a major class of plankton, and other organisms
Total Phosphates (ug/L, P) - typically the limiting nutrient in the Finger Lakes